28 July, 2006

Meditation with Crystals

Meditation is a time-honored technique that can take you into infinite dimensions of consciousness. It is a simple effort thatbecomes effortless as we do it more and more. One major principle to meditation is the ability to completely quiet your mind. Quieting themind comes as a result of meditating over a long period of time, but any time you are looking within, you are meditating.

Meditation helps us live a healthier, less stressful life.The physical and psychological benefits are wonderful and many peoplemeditate only for those reasons. The practice of meditation helps ustemporarily let the physical world go so that we can begin to seeourselves as we truly are -– spiritually enlightened beings.

Clusters of crystals bring a "group" energy to it's surrounding area.They are used to foster protection, cooperation, purification,harmony, friendship, intimacy and to break up negative energy in the environment. Place a crystal cluster in the middle of a meditation circle with other.

Individual stones can be used to bring a single intention to life.Choose a stone that "calls" to you or one, which has the metaphysicalproperties or the color you need.Meditate with your crystal: Place your crystal in your dominant hand or on the floor in front of you. Close your eyes and concentrate onthe color of your stone. Slowly try to vibe with the crystal'senergy. Remember: "Energy follows thought".The imagery of visualization is very powerful! As you breathe, you may inhale and exhale through the Chakra (energy centers) points. This will charge the Chakra and surrounding organs with vital energy.

Focusing on the breath is one of the most common and fundamentaltechniques for accessing the meditative state. Breath is a deep rhythm of the body that connects us intimately with the world aroundus.Place a piece of quartz in your hand. Allow yourself to feelthe "core" of the stone as it radiates it's energy. Feel the warmth.Close your eyes, breathe deeply and regularly, and observe your breath as it flows in and out of your body. Give your full attentionto the breath as it comes in, and full attention to the breath as it goes out. Whenever you find your attention wandering away from your breath, gently pull it back to the rising and falling of the breath.

Use the quartz to bring you back to your center. Inhale through your nose slowly and deeply, feeling the lower chest and abdomen inflatelike a balloon. Hold for five seconds. Exhale deeply, deflating thelower chest and abdomen like a balloon. Hold for five seconds. Do this three or four times, then allow your breathing to return to anormal rhythm. You will begin to feel a change come over your entirebody. Gradually you will become less aware of your breathing, but not captured in your stream of thoughts. You will become more centered inward. You will just "be there."

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac.Peacefulmind.com Therapies for healing mind, body, spirit


Anonymous said...

Andrew Pacholyk is one of the biggest spammers on the internet and his site is a huge scam.

Avoid him and his site like the plague.

Don't let him rip you off!

Mara said...

Dear Anonymous,

Thank you for your concern.
I shall be careful.

Aside from this person's character , I like what is written here about crystals and meditation.

What do you think about the post itself ?