Tarot card number: 14
( 2x7 )
Temperance represents clarity; we need to travel through a series of stages in order for us to grow.
Temerance takes us to the art of alchemy.
This travel process enables us to reveal our true beauty.
Temperance encourages us to practice self-healing and brings opposites together in harmony.
Harmony, health, moderation, compromise, peace, self-control.
Temperance symbolises self-control, the ability to handle volatile factors and so bring about a positive result.
Temperance heralds a time of harmonious relationships, peace and harmony a time to be enjoyed.
Moderation is the key and spirituality brings comfort.
Temperance is an angel or guardian spirit watching over us.
Challenges of Temperance :Impatience, lack of foresight, conflict, quarrels, domestic strife.
The challenge is not to over indulge, lack foresight, not be impatient . To avoid conflict and quarrels .
Temperance warns of making hasty decisions out of impatience, decisions that thwart progress.
refusal to learn from past mistakes
Feelings :Drawing this card I feel peace and harmony , serenity.
I drew Temperance today at the GJM meeting. I like the rainbow , the silver and the gold ; the fluidity, emotions flowing between sun and moon, silver and gold, giving and receiving, being and doing, male and female, active and passive alchemy .
I enjoy the presence and support of the guardian angel holding and embracing everything. Self holding it all ? Synthesis represented by the rainbow.
In this state of mind I see all aspects of my personality objectively. It is a transpersonal state , I do not denounce or reject any single part but I am able to blend it effectively with the rest.
The angel is standing on "sacred ground", the third space , This is the place that is co- created between two people . This is the place where an angel is born; place of pure potentiality. This is where the seemingly disparate elements of the soul combine into a stable, whole persona.
Temperance assimilates the lessons of the past 13 cards so that one is ready to embark on the lessons of the next harmonic. Temperance, a figure of purification.
Temperance moves on angel wings , constantly moving ...E-MOTION
Temperance holds two cups in her hands, one a passive blue, the other an active red.
Water flows from one to the other, indicating energy transformation. Not a single drop is spilled or wasted.
Spiritual elevation, successful partnership, self-control, brilliance.
Angels see things from a higher perspective.