28 August, 2006

Purpose, meaning , relationship, responsibility

I am here to live my life with purpose and meaning. Being alive at this time is an incredible opportunity to explore and experience the Universe and myself. In a way, the self is the new frontier. I have come to know my limited self pretty well, and now I am getting to know my unlimited self.

My life purpose is unfolding each moment as I calm down and know that I am far more than my personality, problems, fears, or dis-eases.

I am spirit, light, energy, and love, and I have the power to live my life with meaning and purpose. I am doing the best I can and am constantly discovering new ways to improve the quality of my life. I am so grateful to be here. My purpose is to learn to love unconditionally.

My best relationship is the one I have with myself.

" Relationships are wonderful, and marriages can be wonderful, but they are all temporary because there comes a time when they end. The one person I am with forever is me. My relationship with myself is eternal, so I choose to be my own best friend. I choose to love and accept myself and to talk to myself as I would to a beloved person in my life. I saturate all the cells in my body with love, and they become vibrantly healthy. I know that I am always connected to a Universe that loves me. I draw loving people and loving experiences to me. I relate with love to all of life.I am creating lots of room for love. " -- Louise Hay

Responsibility brings power

"To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best therapist."
-- Gail Sheehy

What holds you back from being all that you are?
( Exercise )

In your journal, list at least 5 things that hold you back.
Now review your answers.
Have you blamed people or factors outside of yourself?
It's important to understand that ALL obstructions are rooted in our internal blocks. Even the problems that appear to be outside of us are only reflecting back to us problems we have inside. Once we address our inner issues, the outer problems disappear.

Be personally accountable for everything in your life and watch your perspectives shift. We claim our power when we accept responsibility for our lives.

"Conscious evolution begins as we take responsibility
for clearing our own obstructions."
-- Dan Millman

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