We have very little control over external forces
What really matters is internal force.
How do I respond to those disasters?
Over that I have complete control.
-- Leo Buscaglia
I'm so glad I saw this !
Dr Wayne Dyer's 'Power Of Intention' presented at a pre-recorded live seminar
2 hr 15 min 27 sec - Sep 25, 2006
Average rating: (25 ratings)
Description: Inspirational and empowering presentation of best selling author and spiritual/personal growth guru Dr Dyer's engaging best selling program, recorded from TV in it's entirety 2hrs 15minutes long and engaging for every second! Enjoy!
Vicar of Dibley .Halloween joke.
Vicar Of Dibley - A Halloween Joke
46 sec - 1-Nov-2006
Average rating: (2 ratings)
Description: A Halloween Joke from the Vicar Of Dibley
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Father Ted - The Passion of Saint Tibulus = British Comedy
24 min 22 sec - 10-Mar-2006
Average rating: (102 ratings)
Description: Old British Comedy
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PTAAH channeling by Jani King
1 hr 23 min 6 sec - 12-Nov-2006
Average rating: (2 ratings)
Description: P'taah - Divinity in Humanity vol.1 -- for further info on P'taah, please visit www.ptaah.com
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