01 November, 2006

First snow.

We have snow ! As I look out of the window I see rooftops covered in a blanket of white snow, sun peeping through grey white clouds. I'm resting and recouping after a most enjoyable and full week .

My dear friend Penny from England was here for a week and left yesterday. Of course there was lots of chatting and sharing over dinners and leisurely breakfasts . Then there was Sanna and Emil's wedding on Saturday. My contribution a yummy chololate truffle cake which entailed certain amount of planning and braving public transport to get it to the other side of town in one piece. A particularly tricky task as it turned out since my right leg ( an old skiing accent injury ) had started to really give me trouble. I'm having my knee X-rayed today. All healing welcome and appreciated.

After seeing " The Secret " I am paying partcular atention to my thoughts, inending and manifesting simply the best for the higher good.I especially like the knowing that "There will come a day when all the superficial concerns fall away ". In a sense, I think, " why wait, why not NOW ? " Lovely thought, don't you agree ?

There will come a day

There will come a day when your innermost imaginings will become your outer reality.

What are you choosing to imagineright now?

There will come a day when your habits will be so firmly ingrained that they'll carry you along without you even thinking about them.

What kinds ofhabits are you working to develop?

There will come a day when you'll suddenly encounter a magnificent and wonderful opportunity that's just perfect for you. What are you doing todaythat will prepare you to make the most of that opportunity?

There will come a day when all the superficial concerns fall away. What areyou doing in this moment to give real meaning and purpose and substance tolife?

The things you do today affect not only today. They build you and prepare you and position you for all the days that will come.That makes this very day your most important opportunity. For the person you choose to be today is the person who will carry you forward toward all those days that will surely come."-- Ralph Marston

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