16 January, 2007

Becoming in touch with your personal sources of power

Becoming in touch with your personal sources of power can be a way for you to feel effective and empowering.

Reflect upon the strengths you possess, which could help you use your influence in a positive and supportive way.

Ask yourself :
" What assets do I have that others admire in me ? "

Some clues that can lead you to uncover strengths and resources:

Think about the things in which you are weak, and what you have done to overcome those challenges, for these triumphs are your strengths.

Uncovering the gifts that you have, can give you greater confidence and increase the feelings of self-worth that are required to positively impact others.

Once we understand our strengths, we are able to affect positive and lasting changes in our lives and in the lives of those around us.

Consciously examining our talents, brings our strengths to the fore and helps us to gain confidence in what we are able to achieve.

By knowing your strengths today, you will inspire, encourage, and influence others through your strong sense of self.

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