13 February, 2007

YOur LIfe Purpose ( Wayne Dywer )

Ignore what anyone else tells you about your purpose.Regardless of what anyone might say to you, the truth about your feeling purposeful is that only you can know it, and if you don't feel it in that innerplace where a burning desire resides, it isn't your purpose. Your relatives andfriends may attempt to convince you that what they feel is your destiny. Theymay see talents that they think will help you make a great living, or they maywant you to follow in their footsteps because they think you'll be happy doingwhat they've done for a lifetime. Your skill at mathematics or decorating orfixing electronic equipment might indicate a high aptitude for a givenpursuit--but in the end, if you don't feel it, nothing can make it resonate withyou.

Your purpose is between you and your Source, and the closer you get to what thatfield of intention looks and acts like, the more you'll know that you're beingpurposefully guided. You might have zero measurable aptitudes and skills in agiven area, yet feel inwardly drawn to doing it. Forget the aptitude-testresults, forget the absence of skills or know-how, and most important, ignorethe opinions of others and listen to your heart.Wayne Dyer

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