09 December, 2010

The whole universe is a phenomenon of desire.

From a Sufi perspective, the whole universe is a phenomenon of desire. The Divine desire pervades all things & beings, empowering each according to its capacity. For the mystic, the truest education is the education of desire. By means of this education the indwelling Divine desire is liberated from the constraints of ego and becomes a force for the transfiguration of the world. -Pir Zia Inayat  

This is also my truth . Ommmmmmmmm xxx

Psychosynthesis typology symbols

These symbols appear in the booklet Psychosynthesis Typology ( I TIPI HUMANI ) by Roberto Assagioli , MD. 

What do these symbols mean ? 

If happen to reading this , and know more, please share .


Thank you .
Namasté .

Examining my scary thoughts

I pick up the local paper and I read the headlines:

" rent increases of 40% mean that people will have to move "

Every year rents are increased and this year shockingly high increases are predicted.

Reading things like that make me feel both angry and sad.
Immediately I relate it to me.

What if I can't afford to live here ?

I LOVE my home

I don't want to move.......but what if I have to ?

Fear in the pit of my stomach. I feel sick to my stomach ( it's easy to see how this thought, if not checked can lead to tummy ache or some gastric complaint :roll.)


All these thoughts indicate a POSSIBLE future , not a certain one , but in my mind , the worst has already happened judge and jury have had their say and I am a homeless person out in the cold far away from my comfy cosy home.

B* !!!

Why do I torture myself with these thoughts ?? Scary thoughts like these , thousands of them that pass through my brain HQ daily.
Ridiculous . These thoughts are not necessarily true, after all !!!

Let's EXAMINE this thought.

" I can't afford to live here" is it true ?
It might be
Can I really be sure that it is true ?
How do I feel/ react when I have this thought ?
Angry , sad, depressed, helpless , vulnerable .....
Who would I be without this thought ?
I'd be ok ... I'd be at peace .. I would be calm ... I'd be happy ...
Don't drop the thought " I can't afford to live here" , but can I see a reason for dropping it ?


Turn it around :

"I CAN afford to live here" .. "I am living here" .. "I have always been able to pay my rent "I can't afford to be thinking these thoughts"

Are these thoughts equally true ?

"What if I can't afford to live here ?"
Well.. I'll deal with that when the time comes IF it comes.

Feeling better now

* Inspired by Byron Katie's , The Work . 

My day

My day is my spiritual practice .

The person you are becoming

Every person with whom you interact is a part of the person you are becoming. Not a single interaction with a single person is left out of the process of your becoming .

Don't take it personally

They didn't do it to you - they would have done it to anybody
You happened to be there.
That's all .