Non-physical teachers, such as
Orin & DaBen, (click to open windows for each)
They have a broader/higher perspective than when they were living on earth.
"Michael" is simply a convenient name we use to refer to a specific family of consciousness (an "entity" of over 1000 souls) who have experienced thousands of lifetimes and have completed their "lessons" in the physical plane, now teaching from another level of existence. Most of us refer to "Michael" in plural, since they refer to themselves in plural, but some people use the term "he" and "him". Since Michael is not a physical presence with no gender, and since they are a collection of souls, it is simply more convenient to refer to them as a group. Some even prefer to call them "the Michaels", but there is no right or wrong way to refer to
CHANNELINGMichael needs human "channels" as a means to communicate their information, perspective, and teaching. Channels are people who have made an Agreement as part of their life plan to act as a voice or energy conduit for non-physical sources of inspiration, healing, or information, that originate from a non-physical consciousness. Most of the time the Agreements are made between the channel and entity before the channel is born, but sometimes a person will make the Agreement later in his or her life.If this all seems strange, that's because it is strange. I don't pretend to know exactly why or technically how channeling is possible, or whether it is valid as we have come to understand it. I do know that something profound is happening and only experience can "prove" something like this to you. My own experiences over the years have convinced me of two things:
1. that there is something beyond my apparent, daily consciousness that is legitimately being accessed for detailed, expansive, seemingly unlimited and original information 2. and that the information has an obviously positive impact on me and other studentsThose two factors make it worth my efforts to continue exploring.WHAT DOES MICHAEL TEACH?
Michael teaches that the only purpose behind life, is life, itself. There is no profound, exalted, or mysteriously secret reason behind our lives. Tao (Michael's term for God, or All-that-is) fragmented itself for the pure sake of Experience. We are each "fragments" of this original source, imbued with the creative impetus to seek experience within a spectrum of possibilities! Thus, in any given lifetime nothing is wasted because all experience is valuable. The need to judge those experiences as "good" or "bad" is a human convention, not a spiritual concept. Michael describes experiences as neither "good" nor "bad", but that our souls enjoy ALL of it, though we eventually grow to be inclined toward more expansive, embracing experiences, rather than more restricting, limited paths. In addition, Michael teaches that the Universe is not a chaotic, random system of events that we simply have to endure, but rather that there is an awesome structure that can be comprehended by us to some degree. This helps lend us a better understanding of our personal part in the larger scheme of things.Michael does teach that reincarnation is valid. As a soul gains experiences, so does it gain maturity and wisdom, which is identified by what Michael refers to as a "soul age". They teach that every soul goes through 7 stages of maturity across as many lifetimes as it takes. There is no one to measure a soul's maturity except the individual soul, itself. As we gain experience, we learn to be more aware, more compassionate, more connected, more sensitive, and more peaceful, but we also go through a spectrum of experiences that naturally include all things horrifying and beautiful. We eventually gain enough experience that the Soul and the Personality within the lifetime begin to co-create, decide, and choose more consciously, lending the lifetime a greater sense of Truth, Love, and Energy.Michael teaches that we, as individual consciousness, choose one of seven Roles (or Essences) to use as our particular means of expression during our cycle of lifetimes. This Role remains the same throughout all of our incarnations, though we continue to improve on that Role and we evolve with each experience gained. To make each soul even more unique, we choose a ratio of "Focused and Creative Energy" lending us more or less creativity or focus, which we eventually learn to balance out. We also choose a unique "Frequency", which influences how we process life. Your Soul creates a Body and Personality for every lifetime. When a soul first begins creating lifetimes, this can be quite difficult and chaotic, but with each lifetime we gain more of a conscious ability to choose and we begin to create more productively and meaningfully. A Personality is designed with a Goal (a primary motivation for the lifetime), a Mode (how you reach your Goal), an Attitude (a basic perspective), a Centering (how you react to life), and a couple of basic Fears are developed in our youth (chosen for protection, but eventually sought to be overcome), and so much more! There are 7 Roles/Essences, 7 Goals to choose from, 7 Attitudes, 7 Modes, 7 Basic Fears, and so on.To grasp the dynamics of your Essence as it exists beyond this lifetime, as well as to gain self-awareness through the understanding of your Personality's design, can greatly free you from self-criticism, to simply enjoy this life, and to increase the Love and Understanding, Compassion and Peace in your experiences of relationships and self.There is a far more detailed introduction available in
The Basic Teachings section of this site, but this mini-intro hopefully helped you get a quick picture!Have fun and remember:"We are here to learn how to choose, and to choose how to learn!" -- Michael