28 March, 2008

Journalling tips

Where do you start?

Start with whatever comes.
Let the words flow.
Allow what is within to surface.

When the fear of writing is upon you, write anyway.

Move beyond the superficial.
In order for the writing to be cathartic and healing, you need to be honest—completely honest. You need to move past a superficial retelling of events. Ask yourself more difficult questions such as,

"Why am I feeling this now?"
"What am I feeling right now ? "

Create a special, sacred writing place; quiet zone.

When writing about an event or a feeling also examine the flip side or the positive outcome of the situation.

Re-read what you have written.

Writing is a great way to learn about who you are and where you have been.

Applaud yourself for telling the truth and congratulate yourself for moving on.


Thora said...

Hi Mara.I am glad I found your site.I belong to a small group who meet to journal and your ideas are great to spur us on in our journey.
I love to write and also decorate my pages.Sometimes I hide my words in little envelopes or under flaps
to be read at a later stage.We grow and discover through the medium of writing.Keep the ideas coming.

Mara said...

Hiya Thora , thanks for your comment and for sharing your tips. :-)

I like to decorate my pages too - it makes what I have written more personal and meaningful.

I've also found that journalling on a computer and blogging are very different from journalling with a fountain pen in a lovely book.

The computer entries are tend to be more concise and easier to read , while writing by hand allows creative thought to flow more easily.


Thora said...

Yes I had forgotten about fountain pens so will pull it out and see if I still can get ink sonewhere.I have one from high school days.
It was serendipity that you found my site.I agree with you I feel more connected to the creative flow with a pen or pencil in my hand.Please tell me about any other bloggers that journal.

Mara said...

Thora, you might like to try www.blog.co.uk , a blogging site that allows you to build your own community of friends.

I find it is more interactive than blogger. There are many there among my friends that blog about their day, feelings,thoughts etc .