31 October, 2005

Personal development through the medium of outdoor pursuits

I have a voice from the past ; a voice from my college days to thank for this link. Peter Jones seems also t0 be working with personal development - phsyically , through the body . Admirable work. Check out the website:


"Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.
There are a hundred ways to kiss the ground "

Good on you , Pete !

20 October, 2005

Self-Healing Expressions - Shaman Training

Aho! Take a journey and an exploration into the worlds and the way of the Shaman. Come and sit down before the fire with the Shaman as you calm your mind and open your heart to the teachings of the Elders. As you walk the path of this course, you will re-member many skills, talents, places and people from your past that you have forgotten. Welcome to the reconnection to your purpose as healer. Let the Shaman Elder take the talking stick and listen to his words. [ Learn more ]

17 October, 2005

"Shoulds " and "Musts"

"Shoulds" and "Musts" are another pet peeve of mine and bring out the Rebel in me .

Who says I should ?
Who says I must ?

Live your own life- not someone else's !

Trouble is , that often we don't know what we want . We are not so certain of what makes us happy so instead we say " should " because we imagine it is what others expect of us. We can become conditioned to following "orders" blindly, without question. Rediculous really when you think about it .

I have found that substituting " COULD " instead of should , helps.
" I should clean the windows "
I suppose I COULD , do I want to ? Do I choose to? NO .. well ok .. leave it then .
They have been left for about 10 years now lol and I'm no worse off . Soon I won't need curtains lol and I'm told that dirty windows keep harmful rays out ...also .. it is easier to walk around the place naked without fear of someone seeing in ...lol.

"The voice of our original self is often muffled, overwhelmed, even strangled, by the voices of other people's expectations. The tongue of the original self is the language of the heart."
-- Julie Cameron

Blessed be the language of the heart . I totally agree.

We are each unique beings with a unique path in life. If we wish to be fulfilled, we need to go to our own hearts for direction. We might regularly ask ourselves:-

- "What do I really want to do?"
- "What brings me greatest happiness?"
- "How can I bring more of these into my life?"

Life wants us to go for what brings us most JOY and meaning.

What do you ache for?
What is your passion ?
What makes your heart sing ?

GO FOR IT ! if you dare .. it takes courage to dream too.

"What you must dare is to be yourself."
says Dag Hammarskjöld

What will people say ?

" What will people say ? "
" I don't want people to think that ........ "

How silly these thoughts are. How unnecessary, since they result in worry .
Why care what people think ?
Why not assume that everyone thinks well of you ?
This is equally possible.

With awareness comes choice.
When these thoughts arise in me , I choose to examine them and question them. What is important to me is that I am TRUE to myself ; that I do not betray my self .

Also , I know from experience that when I truly believe and own a thought, then what others say does not matter one iota ! I simply do not care .

So, I'm thinking , perhaps " what will people say/ think " thoughts probably indicate my own doubts and uncertainties . I think these thoughts when I am seeking approval. All of that is fixed - taken care of when I approve of myself ; when I KNOW that I am being faithful to my self.

15 October, 2005

Everything in life can be nourishing.

" Everything in life can be nourishing.
Everything can bless us, but we've got to be there for the blessing to occur. Being present with quality is a decision we are invited to make each day."
-- MacRina Wiederkehr

Spirit is not only found in holy places, prayer and meditation, yoga and retreats. Spirit is everywhere - in our relationships, work, in nature and in everyday issues and events.

We have so many opportunities throughout the day to acknowledge this. Spirit is ever present , serving and guiding us, helping us release our true potential if we are willing to connect deeply with your environment- to be well and truly present in the NOW .

Willingness . Openness. Openness to the Mystery . Connection. Resonance. There are other dimensions of reality below what we normally see and hear.

"We live in a world of theophanies. Holiness comes wrapped in the ordinary. There are burning bushes all around you. Every tree is full of angels. Hidden beauty is waiting in every crumb. Life wants to lead you from crumbs to angels, but this can happen only if you are willing to unwrap the ordinary by staying with it long enough to harvest its treasure." ´

-- Macrina Wiederkehr

12 October, 2005

PUrrrrrrrrfect !

This is animated image .. the flashing stops , I think , if you click on it ! ;-)

10 October, 2005

Healing vision for our planet earth

Midnight ....
I close my eyes and go within.
I see people helping people.
I see angels embracing, holding and guiding people through their grief and pain.
I see help and comfort reaching those in need.
I see financial assistance flowing in easily in to all areas affected by natural disasters and war.
I see the best and the greatest in all people shining through.I see fear being eased.
I see Love and Light seeping in through into every nook and crany, into every wounded cell and atom.
I see souls shining brightly.
I see healing.
I see recovery.
I see awakening.
This or something better for our Highest Good.
For this and more , I am truly grateful.
With lots of love .........

Wisdom from the Sayers Speakers

The Sayers or Speakers have been with this planet from its inception. Their focus is process. We are the Sayers. Thoughts are the building blocks of your reality. Not only the personal reality but the consensus reality. If you do not accept the reality as perfection, you deny your own creations.

This seems to be a misunderstanding for many humans. The state of affairs on this planet is the showing of what has been created. This is positive. The appropriate response when confronted with that picture of reality is to create a new thought form of the desired reality to manifest. You are not in a positive creation if you are focused on judgement of wrong and blame.

The picture you are seeing is part of the process. We suggest you practice seeing the manifested reality in a bigger picture or higher understanding. Not only will you manifest the higher potential consensually, you will also keep balance and harmony personally in the body.

Maintaining a higher vibration and frequency. This is the process you seek to integrate.

We see many scenarios going on that distract you from being focused. They include those that Light workers did not even "need to know".

You can create and be yourself in a higher vibration if you just hold a vibrational match to love. Your vibration will effect another and another until eventually and gradually all has changed. The scenario of dark thought forms will only be past history like the dark ages are now. At the same time bless those who still see their service as resisting the dark. All is in perfection and balance.

We are the Sayers- we are intentionally brief as we wish to make a point.
Midnight ....
I close my eyes and go within.
I see people helping people.
I see angels embracing, holding and guiding people through their grief and pain.
I see help and comfort reaching those in need.
I see financial assistance flowing in easily in to all areas affected by natural disasters and war.
I see the best and the greatest in all people shining through.I see fear being eased.
I see Love and Light seeping in through into every nook and crany, into every wounded cell and atom.
I see souls shining brightly.
I see healing.
I see recovery.
I see awakening.
This or something better for our Highest Good.
For this and more , I am truly grateful.
With lots of love

04 October, 2005

You are a flower.


You are a flower, a very lovely flower.

The sun is bright and warm and glowing and you are blooming.

Because you are a flower, you exist in the natural world of abundance and glory. And the sun glows upon you and you open your petals.

Now, what would happen, if, in the middle of a bright sunny afternoon, our flower began to think, and it said:

"What am I doing that the sun should shine down upon me? I am a poor worthless little flower. The great world goes beyond me and I do nothing. Hardly anyone notices me and I am very lonely. How is it that this great sun should shine down upon me?"

And so, the flower, following it's own thoughts, now begins to droop, and it wiggles its little stem over, till it hangs it's head beneath a giant oak tree, where the sun cannot fall upon it in the shade. And, say our little flower begins to reason further and says:

"If the sun fell upon me, what would I have to do to deserve this great benediction? I must think of things to do to rationalize my existence."

And as it thinks, it grows gloomier and darker, and huddles up against the great tree, so that the sun cannot reach it.

Now, any flower has better sense than that, and so should you. Abundance is all around you. It is the sun. It is the rain. Those things are natural and good. Wealth, in whatever terms you happen to translate it, is also a part of your natural world, and so for you to feel free, and to accept one portion of nature and not the other is not a good belief.

You ARE. Your being IS. You are a portion of All That Is. Therefore, you have right to abundance as the flower has to the sun. In human terms there are many kinds of abundance, and they are all yours. You must realize that you do not have to rationalize your existence. Because you ARE. You have a right to the abundance of nature in whatever way it is transformed or translated for you.
You have to realize that your experience begins from within. Your joyful thoughts bring joy, your abundance thoughts bring abundance, and your thoughts of limitation bring limitation.

When you are basking in your own being, and glowing in your Sun, then you are enjoying abundance - your own abundance. There is in the universe unlimited energy and joy and abundance that belongs to you.