10 October, 2005

Wisdom from the Sayers Speakers

The Sayers or Speakers have been with this planet from its inception. Their focus is process. We are the Sayers. Thoughts are the building blocks of your reality. Not only the personal reality but the consensus reality. If you do not accept the reality as perfection, you deny your own creations.

This seems to be a misunderstanding for many humans. The state of affairs on this planet is the showing of what has been created. This is positive. The appropriate response when confronted with that picture of reality is to create a new thought form of the desired reality to manifest. You are not in a positive creation if you are focused on judgement of wrong and blame.

The picture you are seeing is part of the process. We suggest you practice seeing the manifested reality in a bigger picture or higher understanding. Not only will you manifest the higher potential consensually, you will also keep balance and harmony personally in the body.

Maintaining a higher vibration and frequency. This is the process you seek to integrate.

We see many scenarios going on that distract you from being focused. They include those that Light workers did not even "need to know".

You can create and be yourself in a higher vibration if you just hold a vibrational match to love. Your vibration will effect another and another until eventually and gradually all has changed. The scenario of dark thought forms will only be past history like the dark ages are now. At the same time bless those who still see their service as resisting the dark. All is in perfection and balance.

We are the Sayers- we are intentionally brief as we wish to make a point.

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