21 August, 2005

Magical Realism

"The term magic realism, originally applied in the 1920s to a school of painters, is used to describe the prose fiction of Jorge Luis Borges in Argentina, as well as the work of writers such as Gabriel García Márquez in Colombia, Gunter Grass in Germany, and John Fowles in England. These writers interweave, in an ever-shifting pattern, a sharply etched realism in representing ordinary events and descriptive details together with fantastic and dreamlike elements, as well as with materials derived from myth and fairy tales. "
These are beautiful stories ; healing , entertaining stories that are good for the creative soul. Magical Realism is the label attributed to this style of literature. Magical realism is the way my grandad used to tell stories and the way my son's South American father told stories. I am happy to have found this term. Both Gabriel García Márquez and John Fowles are favourites of mine, their writing characterized by elements of the fantastic woven into the story with a deadpan sense of presentation.What is real and what is illusion dance side by side and are a wonderfully refreshing antidote to dogmatic thinking.
"magical realism aims to seize the paradox of the union of opposites; it challenges polar opposites like life and death "
" magical realism is characterized by two conflicting perspectives, one based on a rational view of reality and the other on the acceptance of the supernatural as prosaic reality."
I can't help but connect this to SETH 's book " The Magical Approach" which is about the Art of Creative Living.
A must read , for all Life Artists .

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