26 December, 2006
Trust Life's Rhythms
There are slow times and there are fast moving times.
Release the need to control.
21 December, 2006
Happy Solstice.
21st December , Winter Solstice. The shortening days and longer nights are most intense here in Sweden, but from today onward our days start getting longer. Blessed be.
The pagan in me feels the need for ritual to mark this occasion. I’ve just had a solstice nourishing breakfast and now savouring the chocolate darkness of my coffee. Will light candles as the sun sets ( it is actually beginning to set now as I write this , 2.35 pm )
In neopaganism, the winter solstice sabbat is often called Yule. – which is also the Swedish word for Christmas. Lots of pagan rooted traditions here . Perhaps that is why I am here too. This is really a time for introspection, and planning for the future, I know I keep saying this. I tend to write and reflect more around the new moon and the full moon.
Yesterday , 20th , marked the new moon which isa time for new beginnings. The moon is waxing now and supporting our festivities and gatherings until the full moon , 3 rd January.

Magpie came to me today ; caught my attention as it landed on the branch of the pine tree outside the kitchen window and swung up and down for a while, proud of its accomplishment.
Magpie's Wisdom Includes:
Magpies are related to ravens, I think. Thanks for the visit, magpie .
Happy Solstice, everyone , blessed be ! love love love in all dimensions.
11 December, 2006
You have the power to live your dreams
No one else can do it for you.
Only you can make it happen.
You're the only one that has to live your life.
Accept responsibility.
It's up to you to choose the thoughts and actions that lead to success.
Your life is what you make it.
10 December, 2006
Slightly Less Common Latin Phrases ( from Deborah )
Die dulci fruere.
Have a nice day.
Mihi ignosce. Cum homine de cane debeo congredi.
Excuse me. I've got to see a man about a dog.
Si hoc signum legere potes, operis boni in rebus Latinus alacribus et fructuosis potiri potes!
If you can read this sign, you can get a good job in the fast-paced, high-paying world of Latin!
Sona si Latine loqueris.
Honk if you speak Latin.
Ne auderis delere orbem rigidum meum!
Don't you dare erase my hard disk!
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam.
I have a catapult. Give me all the money, or I will fling an enormous rock at your head.
Gramen artificiosum odi.
I hate Astroturf.
Furnulum pani nolo.
I don't want a toaster.
Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare.
I think some people in togas are plotting against me.
Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.
I'm not interested in your dopey religious cult.
Noli me vocare, ego te vocabo.
Don't call me, I'll call you.
Cave ne ante ullas catapultas ambules.
If I were you, I wouldn't walk in front of any catapults.
Canis meus id comedit.
My dog ate it.
Illiud Latine dici non potest.
You can't say that in Latin.
Vidistine nuper imagines moventes bonas?
Seen any good movies lately?
Nullo metro compositum est.
It doesn't rhyme.
Non curo. Si metrum non habet, non est poema.
I don't care. If it doesn't rhyme, it isn't a poem.
Fac ut gaudeam.
Make my day.
Braccae illae virides cum subucula rosea et tunica Caledonia-quam elenganter concinnatur!
Those green pants go so well with that pink shirt and the plaid jacket!
Visne saltare? Viam Latam Fungosam scio.
Do you want to dance? I know the Funky Broadway.
Re vera, potas bene.
Say, you sure are drinking a lot.
Utinam barbari spatium proprium tuum invadant!
May barbarians invade your personal space!
Utinam coniurati te in foro interficiant!
May conspirators assassinate you in the mall!
Utinam logica falsa tuam philosophiam totam suffodiant!
May faulty logic undermine your entire philosophy!
Radix lecti
Couch potato
Quo signo nata es?
What's your sign?
Romani quidem artem amatoriam invenerunt.
You know, the Romans invented the art of love.
Spero nos familiares mansuros.
I hope we'll still be friends.
Mellita, domi adsum.
Honey, I'm home.
Tam exanimis quam tunica nehru fio.
I am as dead as the nehru jacket.
Ventis secundis, tene cursum.
Go with the flow.
Totum dependeat.
Let it all hang out.
Te precor dulcissime supplex!
Pretty please with a cherry on top!
Magister Mundi sum!
I am the Master of the Universe!
Fac me cocleario vomere!
Gag me with a spoon!
Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
I can't hear you. I have a banana in my ear.
Prehende uxorem meam, sis!
Take my wife, please!
Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Nihil est-in vita priore ego imperator Romanus fui.
That's nothing -- in a previous life I was a Roman Emperor.
Aio, quantitas magna frumentorum est.
Yes, that is a very large amount of corn.
Recedite, plebes! Gero rem imperialem!
Stand aside plebians! I am on imperial business.
Oblitus sum perpolire clepsydras!
I forgot to polish the clocks!
Vescere bracis meis.
Eat my shorts.
Sic faciunt omnes.
Everyone is doing it.
Vacca foeda
Stupid cow
Fac ut vivas.
Get a life.
Raptus regaliter
Royally screwed
Anulos qui animum ostendunt omnes gestemus!
Let's all wear mood rings!
Insula Gilliganis
Gilligan's Island
08 December, 2006
Four Ways to Wisdom
As Alvin Toffler points out in his visionary book "Future Shock", we must become more capable of handling change than ever before if we are to survive and thrive in the twenty-first century. Toffler observes, "We have the opportunity to introduce additional stability points and rituals into our society, such as new holidays, pageants, ceremonies, and games. Such mechanisms could not only provide a backdrop of continuity in everyday life but serve to integrate societies and cushion them somewhat against the fragmenting impact of super-industrialism."
Although Toffler writes about introducing new techniques to help us handle change, indigenous and Eastern cultures have long recognized that the only constant is change. Among tribal peoples, medicine men, chiefs, shamans, teachers or seers are called "change masters." The shamanic traditions practiced by agrarian and indigenous peoples remind us that, for centuries, human beings have used nature and ritual to buffer the effects of change and to support a life event, rather than denying or indulging in it. Although individuals in industrial cultures can help themselves embrace change through dreams, images, play, relationships and acts of creative work, we suffer from the lack of cultural support as we face the ever-increasing demands of change. In the introduction to Arnold Van Gennep's Rites of Passage, Salon Kimbala observes that "one dimension of mental illness may arise because an increasing number of individuals are forced to accomplish their traditions alone and with private symbols."
In cultures like ours where we are alienated from our mythological roots, renewal requires a return to the basic source where all personal and cultural myths are ultimately forged the human psyche. To guide our renewal we can look to cross-cultural research that reveals how shamanic traditions have consistently accessed four archetypal patterns to maintain connections to the mythic structures that support creative expression, health and adaptation to change. These four archetypal ways are The Way of the Warrior, The Way of the Healer, The Way of the Visionary and The Way of the Teacher. The four Ways reflect a pervasive belief that life will be simple if we practice four basic principles: Show up or choose to be present, pay attention to what has heart and meaning, tell the truth without blame or judgment, and be open, rather than attached to, the outcome.
The task of the warrior is to show up, to be visible and empower others through example and intention.
Through the archetype of the warrior an old-fashioned term for leader indigenous societies connect to the process of empowerment and to the human resource of power. Universally there are three kinds of power:power of presence, power to communicate, power of position. Shamanic societies recognize that a person who has all three powers embodies "big medicine."
Every human being carries the power of presence. Some individuals carry such presence that we are drawn to and captivated by these charismatic people even before they speak or we know anything about them.
A warrior or leader uses the power of communication to effectively align the content, timing and placement to deliver a message at the right time in the right place for the person involved to hear and receive it.
A warrior demonstrates the power of position by the willingness to take a stand. Many politicians have great presence and great communication, but lose power when they allow constituents to wonder where they stand on specific issues.
Examples of individuals who carry all three powers and who access the mythical structure and archetype of the Way of the Warrior are Mother Teresa, Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. Each has been committed to aligning the power of presence, communication and the willingness to take a stand in arenas that have heart and meaning for them.
Cross-culturally, the posture of standing meditation in one position with arms at sides and eyes open for at least fifteen minutes is used in the martial arts, spiritual practices and in the military as a way of reinforcing and coalescing the three universal powers and of connecting the practitioner with the greater being of who he or she is.
Most native peoples attribute the Way of the Warrior to the direction of the North, the home of Father Sky and of all the winged creatures. The belief is held that during challenging times, it is essential to face our challenges with the grace, power and dignity of the "winged ones." It is important to remember that when challenges present themselves, it is the warrior's way to embrace them with full-bodied presence rather than to constrict in fear.
The task of the healer is to pay attention to what has heart and meaning and to access the human resource of love. We express the Way of the Healer through attitudes and actions that maintain personal health and support the welfare of our environment.
The archetype of the healer is a universal mythic structure that all humans experience. Every culture has ways of maintaining health and well-being. Healers in most traditions recognize that the power of love is the most potent healing force available. Effective healers from any culture are those who extend the arms of love gratitude, acceptance, recognition, validation and acknowledgment.
Probably the most powerful contemporary example of someone who demonstrates the healing power of extending love is Mother Teresa. In shamanic traditions she would be called a medicine woman.
The posture of lying meditation is often used for healing work. In "journey work," which is lying down on one's back with closed eyes to the accompaniment of the drum, individuals in shamanic traditions access spiritual guidance and healing. When individuals do a journey, they open themselves to the possibility of removing the blocks and obstacles to receiving and giving love.
Most native peoples attribute the Way of the Healer to the direction of the South, with Mother Nature and all the four-legged creatures. Across cultures, there are four universal healing salves: singing, dancing, storytelling and silence. Native cultures transmit their values, ethics and spiritual beliefs through the oral traditions of stories, songs, dances and silent rituals and prayer. It has long been recognized that these healing salves reawaken and sustain the divine child within human beings and return to individuals the qualities of wonder, hope and awe. It is how we pay attention to our life story that allows us to experience the human resource of love, the most powerful healing force on Mother Earth.
The task of the visionary is to tell the truth without blame or judgment. Truthfulness, authenticity and integrity are essential keys to developing our vision and intuition. We express the Way of the Visionary through personal creativity, goals, plans, and our ability to bring our life dreams and visions into the world.
All cultures regard the importance of vision and its capacity to magnetize the creative spirit. Shamanic societies use Vision Quests, extended periods of solitude in nature, as a way of remembering their life dream and of accessing the four ways of seeing: intuition, perceptions, insight, and vision.
Many native American cultures hold a belief that each individual is "original medicine," nowhere duplicated on the planet and that therefore it is important to bring the creative spirit and life dream or purpose to Earth. Since we are "original medicine," these native people see that there is no need for comparison or competition. The work is to come forward fully with our gifts, talents and resources and to powerfully meet our tests and challenges. The Visionary is one who brings his or her voice into the world and who refuses to edit, rehearse, perform or hide all ways we can feed the false-self system of denial and indulgence.
Among most indigenous peoples, the direction of the East is associated with the home of the Great Spirit, the place of the rising sun and the place where we come home to our authentic self. Archetypically, the bell or conch shell serves as a sonic voice that calls people together and calls us as individuals to remember our authentic purpose.
The human resource of vision is the container that magnetizes the creative spirit to bring one's original medicine into the world. It is the Visionary within that inspires the voice to share what it sees. Rollo May states what shamanic traditions have practiced for centuries, "If you do not express your own original ideas, if you do not listen to your own being, you will have betrayed yourself."
The task of the teacher is to be open, rather than attached, to outcomes. Openness and non-attachment helps us recover the human resources of wisdom and objectivity.
Every culture has traditional and non-traditional means of education. Shamanic traditions believe that wisdom is flexible and fluid. The teacher's way is to be open to outcome and access wisdom by learning how to trust and be comfortable with states of not knowing. Trust is the container out of which the qualities of wisdom grow clarity, objectivity, discernment and detachment.
The opposite of trust is control. The trickster figure found in many shamanic traditions functions to present surprises and the unexpected as a way of waking people out of their routines and shocking them into seeing their attachments.
Among many shamanic traditions, the Way of the Teacher is associated with the direction of the West, the home of Grandmother Ocean and all the water creatures. The ocean is nature's mirror for indigenous cultures to learn how to be malleable and fluid.
Even though these four archetypes are emphasized in most shamanic traditions, it is important to understand the they are universal and easily accessed by all humans in a variety of different contexts, cultures, structures and practices. To maximize well-being and to be adaptable to change, indigenous peoples consider it important to be equally balanced in the areas of leading, healing, visioning, and teaching work.
If you numbered these archetypes from one to four, with one being the most developed in your nature and four being the least developed, what would you discover? Most cultures recognize optimum health as having a balance in the expression of all four of these ways. Independent of the culture we come from, we can follow the warrior's way to access power, the healer's way to access love, the visionary's way to access vision, and the teacher's way to access wisdom.
Through the resource of power we are able to choose to be present. Through the resource of love we are able to pay attention to what has heart and meaning. Through the resource of vision we are able to give voice to what we see. Through the resource of wisdom we are able to be open, not attached to, outcomes.
the above essay is Copyright 1995 by Angeles Arrien
02 December, 2006
Interested in accessing the secrets of your unconscious ?

New beginnings, and new adventures. It is in this spirit that I am happy to offer this Discovering Tarot Workshop. One whole day plus a follow up session; approximately, 12hours altogether . The first day is a Saturday ( 10:00 – 18:00 ) and the follow up days are weekdays,(18:30 – 21:00 )
Many have been asking, well now I’ve finally set a few dates for a Discovering Tarot Workshop .
Discovering Tarot Workshop
Saturday 16 December 2006
Saturday 20 January 2007
Saturday 3 February 2007
What is the Tarot ?What do the cards mean ?How can I use the Tarot ?
This is an exciting journey of discovery introducing the Tarot as a tool for personal and spiritual development.
Gain insights into yourself, your life , work and relationships.
Learn how to consult the Tarot for yourself and others to gain clarity, insight, guidance and direction along your life-path.
We work experientially. The exercises and activities are designed to develop and improve your intuition, to increase your awareness and to help you get in touch with the treasure chest of your subconscious.
* Each participant receives a mini reading.
* Small intimate groups of 4-6 participants.
29 November, 2006
Two forces at work
We have very little control over external forces
What really matters is internal force.
How do I respond to those disasters?
Over that I have complete control.
-- Leo Buscaglia
27 November, 2006
Today I am grateful for Dr Joe Vitale


Thank you for this man , Dr Joe Vitale , this playful wise puppy of a man !
Thank you for his generosity of spirit , playful wisdom and sense of humour that make my heart giggle and sing and my spirits soar.
" Hi Mara ,
Thank you for subscribing to "Dare Something Worthy."Look for a brief email every Friday with a tip, story,insight, or offer to help you go for and attain your dreams. Remember, if you ever want off the list, there's always an unsubscribe link in each email. And be sure to tell your friends. The more people who daresomething worthy, the happier the planet will be. Just send them to http://www.drjoevitale.com/ Finally, you can download your freebies at:http://www.drjoevitale.com/yourgifts.html
Remember, you're the one!
Dare Something Worthy
Dr. Joe Vitale, President, Hypnotic Marketing, Inc.#1 Best-Selling Author - "
About Dr Joe Vitale : http://www.attractorfactor.com/express/?cat=9
I am smiling and I am happy !
Thank you , thank you, thank you ! LOVE LOVE LOVE in all dimensions.
22 November, 2006
There is only one purpose for all of life....

There is only one purpose for all of life, and that is for you and all that lives to experience fullest glory; your highest potential.
Everything else you say, think, or do is attendant to that function. There is nothing else for your soul to do, and nothing else your soul wants to do. The wonder of this purpose is never ending.
Should there come a moment in which you experience yourself in your fullest glory, you will in that instant, imagine an ever greater glory to fulfill. The more you are, the more you can become, and the more you can become, the more you can yet be.
The deepest secret is that life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation. You are not discovering yourself, but creating yourself anew.
Seek, therefore, not to find out Who You Are, seek to determine Who You Want to Become."
-- Ancient Script
18 November, 2006
Watch "Dr Wayne Dyer's 'Power Of Intention' presented at a pre-recorded live seminar" on Google Video
I'm so glad I saw this !
Dr Wayne Dyer's 'Power Of Intention' presented at a pre-recorded live seminar
2 hr 15 min 27 sec - Sep 25, 2006
Average rating: (25 ratings)
Description: Inspirational and empowering presentation of best selling author and spiritual/personal growth guru Dr Dyer's engaging best selling program, recorded from TV in it's entirety 2hrs 15minutes long and engaging for every second! Enjoy!
17 November, 2006

Be Thankful

Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons.
It's easy to be thankful for the good things. A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks. Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive. Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and they can become your blessings.
Watch "Vicar Of Dibley - A Halloween Joke" on Google Video
Vicar of Dibley .Halloween joke.
Vicar Of Dibley - A Halloween Joke
46 sec - 1-Nov-2006
Average rating: (2 ratings)
Description: A Halloween Joke from the Vicar Of Dibley
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Watch "Father Ted - The Passion of Saint Tibulus = British Comedy" on Google Video
Father Ted - The Passion of Saint Tibulus = British Comedy
24 min 22 sec - 10-Mar-2006
Average rating: (102 ratings)
Description: Old British Comedy
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My responsibility
15 November, 2006
Keeping a diary with a purpose
A diary can play many roles. It can be a confidant, a vehicle of self expression, a tool that facilitates clarity of thought, or a repository of dreams. A diary can also be a powerful source of comfort during challenging or traumatic periods. When you record those insights and incidents that clearly demonstrate you are on the right track, you can return to your words days, weeks, or months later and find uniquely soothing reassurance. A diary with a specific purpose can be a good tool for keeping track of experiences before the passage of time can skew your perception of events. It reflects the immediacy of your life and thus provides you with a landmark to return to when you begin to doubt yourself. If doubt does arise, simply open your diary to reaffirm your experiences. The confidence, surety, passion, and bravery you felt in a single moment is preserved, giving you a means to recapture those feelings in any place, at any time.
Your diary serves as a repository of personalized encouragement. Since a diary is, by its very nature, as individual as you are, you should give some thought to the type of diary that will serve you best. A synchronicity-and-connections diary might describe those instances where seemingly random occurrences came together in a meaningful way, propelling you forward. Or you may find strength in the pages of a pride diary that makes note not only of those times you felt proud of yourself but also precisely why you were pleased with your efforts. And a cause-and-effect diary can help you become more decisive by reminding you of all the wise, life-affirming choices you have made. Your diary should be small enough to be readily portable and on hand whenever possible because the faster you put your thoughts down on paper, the more authentic your declarations are apt to be.
Regardless of the type of focused diary you choose to keep, your recollections will create a positive feedback loop that helps you cope with doubt in a constructive way. Reading through your diary when life seems uncertain can show you that your misgivings are unfounded. As you draw consolation from your uplifting words, you will know without a doubt that you are indeed living your purpose and following the path that you committed to before birth.
For more information visit dailyom.com
This article is printed from DailyOM - Inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day.
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Watch "PTAAH channelling by Jani King" on Google Video
PTAAH channeling by Jani King
1 hr 23 min 6 sec - 12-Nov-2006
Average rating: (2 ratings)
Description: P'taah - Divinity in Humanity vol.1 -- for further info on P'taah, please visit www.ptaah.com
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06 November, 2006
What message did you most need to hear?

In exploring the enneagram, Riso and Hudson have identified ‘lost messages’ that we needed to hear as children but didn’t. The absence of these words may be at the heart of our most basic fear. And unconsciously we may still be seeking to hear these words from others. Review the following messages and note if any one touches you more strongly than the others:
1. "You are good."
2. "You are wanted."
3. "You are loved for yourself."
4. "You are seen for who you are."
5. "Your needs are not a problem."
6. "You are safe."
7. "You will be taken care of."
8. "You will not be betrayed."
9. "Your presence matters."
02 November, 2006
Be here and now

Be here now
"This moment is the moment of reality, of union, of truth. Nothing needs to be done to it or to you for this to be so. Nothing needs to be avoided, transcended, or found for it to be so."
-- Da Avabhasa
Creativity, connection, soul, inspiration and intuition are available only in the present moment for the present moment.We choose how actively we take part in the cosmic dance of life. We can become wallflowers, mere spectators to life, if we get trapped in the patterns and habits of the past. Or we can choose to dance by being present and open to the energies, the opportunities and the guidance available to us each moment."
Each today, well-lived, makes yesterday a dream of happiness and each tomorrow a vision of hope. Look, therefore, to this one day, for it and it alone is life."-- Sanskrit poem
"You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment."-- Henry David Thoreau
01 November, 2006
First snow.

We have snow ! As I look out of the window I see rooftops covered in a blanket of white snow, sun peeping through grey white clouds. I'm resting and recouping after a most enjoyable and full week .
My dear friend Penny from England was here for a week and left yesterday. Of course there was lots of chatting and sharing over dinners and leisurely breakfasts . Then there was Sanna and Emil's wedding on Saturday. My contribution a yummy chololate truffle cake which entailed certain amount of planning and braving public transport to get it to the other side of town in one piece. A particularly tricky task as it turned out since my right leg ( an old skiing accent injury ) had started to really give me trouble. I'm having my knee X-rayed today. All healing welcome and appreciated.
After seeing " The Secret " I am paying partcular atention to my thoughts, inending and manifesting simply the best for the higher good.I especially like the knowing that "There will come a day when all the superficial concerns fall away ". In a sense, I think, " why wait, why not NOW ? " Lovely thought, don't you agree ?
There will come a day
There will come a day when your innermost imaginings will become your outer reality.
What are you choosing to imagineright now?
There will come a day when your habits will be so firmly ingrained that they'll carry you along without you even thinking about them.
What kinds ofhabits are you working to develop?
There will come a day when you'll suddenly encounter a magnificent and wonderful opportunity that's just perfect for you. What are you doing todaythat will prepare you to make the most of that opportunity?
There will come a day when all the superficial concerns fall away. What areyou doing in this moment to give real meaning and purpose and substance tolife?
The things you do today affect not only today. They build you and prepare you and position you for all the days that will come.That makes this very day your most important opportunity. For the person you choose to be today is the person who will carry you forward toward all those days that will surely come."-- Ralph Marston
18 October, 2006
Intention for today .
12 October, 2006
Financial tip of the day

When I notice anxiety about my finances arise , I take a deep breath and use an affirmation—a few words or phrase—to redirect my thoughts in a positive and encouraging way.
“My world is full of abundance.”
Using affirmations usually helps disperse worries and amxiety and help me feel confident about my life and what you I have.
Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot.
-- Oscar Wilde
09 October, 2006
Fear, panic , anxiety , depression

Last night, just before going to bed , I watched " Boston Legal ". One of the lawyers there was suffering from night terrors, a form of sleep walking during a nightmare and probably caused by stress. He woke up standing on a ledge outside his bedroom window hundreds of feet above the ground !!
So these fearful thoughts were on my mind just before going to bed and I couldn't help thinking the thought " What if this happens to me and I try to jump off my balcony naked as the day I was born " !!!! hehehe I 'm laughing now , but I seriously considered moving a chair or something heavy in front of the balcony door. That's the power of fear for you !
The text below is written by Mark Myre and I think it makes sense. I would add these comments to his 2 fear / anxiety buster suggestions:
" What am I feeling right now? " I would suggest , before naming the feeling , simply stay with the feeling and breathe through it .
" How can I feel just a little bit better? "I would suggest , question the thought form by asking "Is so? "
This works well for me when fear rears its ugly head especially in the middle of the night .
" Anxiety and depression are symptoms. Somewhat like hunger pains.
Dealing with life - (which includes depression and anxiety!) - involves awareness of the present moment. Life didn't happen last night while you were watching TV. Life is happening right now in this present moment of time as you're reading these words.
You don't deal with your anxiety yesterday. And you can't deal with it tomorrow. You can only do the best you can in this present moment. For example, what are you feeling right now as you read these words? And is there any way you could feel just a little bit better?
If you keep these two questions in mind, you'll be laying the foundation for a life free from depression and anxiety.
* What am I feeling right now?
* How can I feel just a little bit better?
That's where it begins. Of course, there are MANY things you can and should do if you want to feel better. But keep in mind it's always a moment-by-moment thing. If you'll be responsible for what you're feeling *right now* - that will go a long way towards preventing the crisis or the avalanche or the sabotage of depression and anxiety.
Not being responsible for what you're feeling right now is like building your house on a sandy foundation. You never know when your life will come crashing down around you.
While you can end your current depression and/or anxiety by taking various actions, you KEEP IT FROM COMING BACK by accepting responsibility for what you're feeling in the present moment.
Accept and embrace WHATEVER you're feeling right now. Then release it so you can reach for a slightly better thought/feeling. It all happens right now! "
Personal power

Personal power and authority issues are connected to the third chakra. The colour of the third chakra is YELLOW. The third chakra furthers the development of self-esteem and personality, separate from your tribal identity. This is where you learn to draw and maintain strong boundaries and a personal code of honour.
Affirmations help in healing and balancing process. I confess I have always had problems with authority figures , which is why I find this particular affirmation so refreshing and helpful.
I am the main authority in my world. No person, place, or thing has any power over me, for I am the only thinker in my mind. As a child, I accepted authority figures as gods. Now I am learning to take back my power and become my own authority figure. I accept myself as a powerful, responsible being. As I meditate every morning, I get in touch with my own inner wisdom. The school of life is deeply fulfilling as I come to know that we are all students and all teachers. We each have come to learn something and to teach something. As I listen to my thoughts, I gently guide my mind toward trusting my own Inner Wisdom. I grow and blossom and entrust all my affairs on Earth to the Divine Source. All is well. I am the author of my life.
-- Louise Hay
07 October, 2006
Ask and is is given.

Ask and it is given
Since Every Request Is Granted, There Is No Competition
Each point of view matters; every request is granted; and as this amazing Universe unerringly expands, there is no end to the Universal resources that fulfill these requests. And there is no end to the answers to the never-ending stream of questions—and for that reason, there is no competition.
It is not possible for someone else to receive the resources that were meant for you, and you cannot selfishly squander resources that were intended for someone else. All desires are answered; all requests are granted, and no one is left unanswered, unloved, or unfulfilled. When you stay aligned with your Energy Stream, you always win, and somebody else does not have to lose for you to win. There is always enough.
Sometimes our physical friends have a difficult time remembering this truth because they may experience some shortage in their experience, or observe it in the experience of another. But what they are witnessing is not an evidence of shortage or a lack of resources, but instead the disallowance of the receiving of the resources that have been requested and answered.
Step 1 has occurred: The asking is in place.
Step 2 has occurred: The answering is in place. But
Step 3, the allowing, has not occurred.
If someone is not receiving what they are asking for, it is not because there is a shortage of resources; it can only be that the person holding the desire is out of alignment with their own request. There is no shortage. There is no lack. There is no competition for resources. There is only the allowing or the disallowing of that which you are asking for.
Ask and It Is Given is the bestselling book by Esther and Jerry Hicks on the teachings of Abraham.
"You cannot be joyful without spreading your joy. You cannot be sad without spreading your sadness. You cannot be well without spreading your wellness. You cannot be sick without spreading your sickness. You cannot be poor without spreading your poverty. You cannot be prosperous without spreading your prosperity. Whatever you be, you exude to the ends of the Universe. The entire Universe benefits by that which you be."Expressed by Abraham-HicksSelected by Jerry and Esther Hicks
19 September, 2006
Birth , birthing a new life, a dream

Birth marks the shift from one dimension to another. New life, new ideas, new forms come into being.
Rosh Hashanah starts in a few days , 22nd September. The Kabbalists explain that our souls are born anew at this time. Just as a child’s physical DNA is encoded at birth, a person’s spiritual DNA is rewritten for the year on Rosh Hashanah. And it is rewritten according to our desires !!! good news .
Some of my favourite affirmations .
" I am living and breathing in the rhythm of my soul "
" Everything I need comes to me with love and ease "
" All my needs are taken care of . I am safe "
" I can do anything I set my mind to. "
" I love , trust and approve of myself "
" I am responsible for my well- being and health. "
" I love to give and to receive."
" Í deserve all the good that is coming to me . "
" My wealth is my mind "
" I bless my money. Each krona, pound or euro that I spend or give is returned multiplied ."
" I am always in the right place at the right time ."
" The more positive thoughts I have , the more positive life is . "
" I am grateful for everything ."
" I am free ."
" All I have is NOW and NOW is enough ."
" I have all the time that I need . "
The whole idea of planning is to keep the mind focused in a positive way.
( Jewish Year 5767 : sunset September 22, 2006 - nightfall September 24, 2006 )
16 September, 2006
Moving out of the comfort zone .

I now hold and direct the powerful energy of the Universe to help us move outside our comfort zone with love and ease.
I ask for a double order of courage and for energy and excitement to provide impetus for the changes that are all about growth.
I know that Spirit and The Soul of The Universe blesses us with fearlessness and grace as we move forward into a new lifestyle.
We are moving gracefully in the flow.
Spirit has created perfect conditions for our soul's growth.
The call is strong and we have heard it.
We know that we are blessed with an outcome which is for our highest good and for all concerned.
All of our angels on both sides of the veil are sharing their energy , supporting and cheering us on our way.
Spirit blesses us as we move into a new way of working, playing, and loving.
Love is prevailing in all of this.
Everything is happening with love and ease.
So be it and so it is .
Created with Love and blessings
by Mara, Valerie, Joanne and paws for peace, 16 September , 2006
15 September, 2006
Comments on Relationships
Saint Francis through Anina Davenport
How are relationships changing in this time of increased frequencyand what can you do to stay free and centered and focused on Highest Good and that can include helping another person or being helped byanother?
Number one: Practice responsibility. In this new age and in the newkind of relationships that you are forming everyone is responsible fortheir stuff. No more dumping on others and if you do you apologize andsay, "Sorry, I take this back." And then you take it back literally.You take back the negative energies that you deposited on another andprocess them by yourself with the help of your new tools such asvisualizations, mantras, writing, dance, yoga, meditation, counselingor other ways that you have found for yourself. There is no need tosay out loud, "I take this back," or "I'm sorry," but if you do soenergetically the other person will know. He or she will feel lighterand relieved.
Number two: Practice energetic hygiene. We talk about this in ourbooks. It means you say what you mean and you mean what you say.Energetically it means you are grounded and rooted in your Self orHigher Self. You don't leave your energy all over the place. You speakwhen you have something to say and don't when you don't. You are kindbut you don't rescue others from themselves. You are thoughtful butnot lost in your thoughts. You live here and now.
Number three: You strive for authenticity not perfection. There is nosuch thing as perfection really. Have you ever thought of that? Thereis no such thing as perfection also in relationship. There is noperfect relationship. Let us repeat this one. There is no perfectrelationship. There is good enough. There is lovely, fun, andenjoyable but perfect there is not and if you expect perfect youexpect what cannot exist. Would you want to live with someone whokeeps looking at you with a critical __expression on his or her facesaying, "Well, not perfect yet. Not good enough. If you could justchange A, B, C, D, E, F, G .. (laughter) about yourself it might work."
Number four: Take responsibility for your beliefs. If a beliefcreates conflict in your relationship then investigate it. Instead ofsaying, "Well I've always believed that," go deeper. Why do you havethis belief? Where does it come from? Whenever you hear yourself say,"I cannot accept so and so," investigate. Why is that? Non-acceptanceusually results from fear. What fear is there underneath? Go deep.Don't just accept what you don't want to accept but look at what isgoing on. Watch your thoughts, your intentions, your patterns. Whatcan you learn about yourself?
Number five: Don't sacrifice yourself. Helping another is differentfrom giving yourself up for another. Be smart about helping. Don'treinforce your or other people's old patterns. For example yourhusband is having a temper tantrum and you rush in to help him. Whatdoes he learn? Temper tantrums work. What did you learn? "If I caterto his temper tantrums they stop at some point." It seems like successbut if you step back it is not. Next time let him have his tempertantrums. Go for a walk. Meet for coffee with a friend. Have a niceday (amused).
Another example: Your wife criticizes you, not constructively but outof habit. "You don't make enough money," she says. Let's assume youhave been working hard but have not been able to earn as much as shewould like. Instead of apologizing or feeling guilty, stand up foryourself. Say, "I have been looking for a better job but this is whatI have right now and this is what I earn." She will say, "Not goodenough." You need to say, "This is what is right now. I cannot changeit right now. This is my reality." If you stand your ground she willeventually say, "Well, you are right. You did work hard this year andthis is the income you make and we do get by." If she is notinterested in reality you might have a bigger problem in yourrelationship but hang in there for awhile. Counter with what is whenshe criticizes you. Give it some time. At some point she might say,"Oh, this is what is. I have to accept reality." Maybe she won't usethese exact words but she might say something like this.
Number six: Accept what is. This is a prescription for enlightenmentalthough it needs to be explained properly. It is not about martyrdomor letting others walk all over you but it means you deal with facts.If your wife has beautiful dark hair you don't wish her to be ablonde. You love who is in front of you. That is being practical andwise and not foolish. The foolish create suffering for themselves byalways questioning what is. "What if I had married Martha? Maybe lifewould have been more exciting?" But you did not. You married Jane sohow can you have a good day with Jane right here right now?
Number seven: Leave when it is time to leave. There are times inclose and also in less close relationships when it is time to move on,when you have truly investigated and searched yourself and tried topatch things up with the other and it is just not working. Then it istime to leave. It is easier to leave if you have truly exhausted otheravenues. Relationships can be hard at times. We don't mean leave atany conflict but when it's time it is time.Are there questions?
Questioner: You have not mentioned communication. Why?
Saint Francis: Right communication arises out of the points we havementioned. If you keep your energy clear and deal with 'what is' wordswill come and they will be clear and serve Highest Good.
Questioner: How about conflict resolution?
Saint Francis: Conflict has a lot to do with fear. Usually some oldfear gets stirred within you and you get defensive. Rather thansaying, "I don't agree with your opinion," you say, "You are so mean.How can you say this? You really hurt me now. I don't know if I'llever get over this one," (laughter). Seriously, look for what hastriggered you. What old fear, old wound, old pain came up? Clear thatand then give another response. That is communication not reaction outof pain and past hurt.
Questioner: But sometimes we get triggered?
Saint Francis: Yes of course and if you never speak up a littletemper tantrum might be better than being stoic and suppressingyourself but in the long run you want to move toward maturity.
Questioner: What is maturity?
Saint Francis: Good question. It means first and foremost that youlive in the now. You take care of yourself and your business so tospeak. You pay your rent, mow the lawn, take care of your kids, yourdog, etc.Questioner: Take out the garbage?Saint Francis: Yes.
Questioner: The energetic garbage too?Saint Francis: Yes, you practice energetic hygiene. You transformyour energetic garbage. You don't give it to your neighbors or others.You find ways to process it. You live now and you deal with 'what is'.The heater needs to be fixed. The customer needs new supplies. Yourdaughter has an appointment at the dentist. The book needs to beedited. The flowers need water. Questioner: And in between I meditate?
Saint Francis: Life should become a meditation. It is not, "Let mefix my daughter's bike right quick so I can run up and meditate." Thequestion is more, "How can this task which I like or don't like (itdoes not matter) be a meditation?"
Questioner: I slow it down?Saint Francis: Yes, you do it thoughtfully with love and you can doit with love and not like it that much. Relax, breathe, focus on what is.
Questioner: But I can still meditate?Saint Francis: Yes, do that too. Sit and breathe. Relax. Feel yourbody and then do your mantra or whatever way you meditate. If youbecome more gentle to yourself, if you become more loving, lessdemanding, more accepting, your outside will change, your spouse willalso become more accepting or maybe there will be someone else for youbut don't push it. Work on yourself and see what happens. Our love iswith you.
Copyright Anina Davenport 2006
08 September, 2006
They laughed at him and said it couldn't be done.

They laughed at him and said it couldn't be done.
Nothing could be grown in that salt laden dustbowl.
But Geoff Lawton had other ideas.
He travels the world teaching others how to repair trashed environments
Our children deserve a planet that is safe, healthy and prosperous.
To watch an inspiring short video with innovative information about how we can grow a prosperous world by working with our planet's vital wisdom please visit - it's so inspiring !
06 September, 2006

Dreams are symbols.
Our dreams contain messages from our subconsious.
There is great healing in the telling of the dream and in the writing of the dream.
Yesterday I listened to Gunilla Bergerham talking about her experience of working with dreams as a DreamCoach. http://www.gunillabergerham.se/ .
Everything that we experience in our inner and outer worlds is significant and the two worlds are related.
Montague Ullman does Experiential Dream Group Work
"My point is not that dream work will save the world
but that dreams can be a reminder that it needs saving"
Basic Dream Work - An objective comparison of Dream Groups & Therapy (1990)
" am often asked about the difference between the way I work with a dream in an experiential dream group and the way a therapist works with a dream in group or individual therapy. I refer to what I do as Basic Dream Work to contrast it with formal therapeutic work with dreams. The contrast can be outlined as follows:
In formal therapy the relationship is an unequal one with regard to the arrangements that are set. There is a therapist in charge of those arrangements and who operates from a body of knowledge and technique that the patient is not privy to.
experiential dream group no one functions as a therapist. If someone assumes the role of leader, it is only to insure the integrity of the process. In all other respects that person functions as a member of the group. .................."
Dreams: An Under Appreciated Natural Resource (1983)
" Dreams are an under appreciated natural resource. Although readily available they are seldom used in our search for healing and growth. The pragmatic social matrix in which we live rates dreams rather low in the scale of priorities for the good life. The positivism of modern science tends to reinforce the view of dreams as a low status item. Objects, studied in their separation from the subject, result ultimately in a distortion as well as a derogation of the subject and his subjectivity. The net effect of psychoanalytic theory has been to mystify the public into an awed submission to the caveat that dreams are for experts only. The fact is that dreams are regular and remarkable features of our nocturnal existence................... "
Dreams, Species-Connectedness, and the Paranormal (1990)
In this nuclear age where the survival of humanity is constantly on the line, we are faced with the responsibility of realizing fully the basic fact that we are all members of a single species. The full implication of this will involve the radical transformation of the self into one capable of working toward repairing and maintaining the basic unity of the species and overcoming the many ways in which we have succeeded in fragmenting that unity.
A view of dreaming is presented in its bearing on the issue of survival. Dreaming consciousness is discussed in its similarity to and differences from waking consciousness. Chief among the differences is the more focused concern while dreaming with the recognition and representation of developing disconnections between ourselves and others. A number of lines of thought are brought together in support of this view from sources as far apart as physics and psychiatry.
That dreaming may be related fundamentally to species-connectedness is congenial to much of what we have learned about the occurrence of paranormal dreams as they have been encountered in the anecdotal and clinical literature. Bohm's theory of the implicate order and Jung's ideas about synchronicity are discussed in their relevance to both ordinary and paranormal dreams and the connection of both to survival......"
Morality, Metaphor and Dreaming: A New Perspective (1999) On Dream Education (1990) On Raising the Social Priority of Dreams (1987)
On the Relevance of Quantum Concepts to Dreaming Consciousness (2005)
Species Unity and Dreaming
The Significance of Dreams in a Dream Deprived Society (2005)
"Dreams reveal the state of connectedness of the individual to his or her past, to others, and to the supports and constraints of the social order. Is it too much to hope that, as we move into a postindustrial society, the intrinsic honesty of dreams can be harnessed to this effort?
need of a politics of connectedness. The growing interest in the healing potential of our dream life holds out the hope we may eventually reach the goal of matching our biological unity as a species with a cultural reality of communion and brotherhood. My point is not that dreams will save us from ultimate disaster but they can, if taken seriously, be one among many countervailing efforts."
The Transformation Process in Dreams (1975)
Angel message for today : Understanding
05 September, 2006
A blast from the past .
Registration is by invitation only!
If you want to join, you have to be invited.
It's a place for catching up with old friends and meeting new friends.
www. frype.com
You are able to share photos and blogs, never forget your friends’ birthdays or lose their contact information. Real names and last names are used.
Contact me if you are interested.
Angel message for today : BEAUTY
04 September, 2006
The Seven Faces Of Intention by Wayne Dyer.

The Seven Faces Of Intention are as follows:
1. Creative
2. Kind
3. Loving
4. Beautiful
5. Ever-Expanding
6. Endlessly Abundant
7. Receptive To All
1.The face of creativity. The first of the Seven Faces Of Intention
is the creative _expression of the power of intention that designed
us, got us here, and created an environment that's compatible with
our needs. The power of intention has to be creative or nothing
would come into existence. It seems to me that this is an
irrefutable truth about intention/spirit, because its purpose is to
bring life into existence in a suitable environment.
Why do I conclude that the life-giving power of intention intends us
to have life, and have it in increasing abundance? Because, if the
opposite were true, life as we know it couldn't come into form. The
very fact that we can breathe and experience life is proof to me
that the nature of the life-giving Spirit is creative at its core.
This may seem obvious to you, or in fact it may appear confusing, or
even irrelevant. But what is clear is: You are here in your
physical body; there was a time when you were an embryo, before that
a seed, and before that formless energy. That formless energy
contained intention, which brought you from no where to now here.
At the very highest levels of awareness, intention started you on a
path toward your destiny.
The face of creativity intends you toward continued creativity to
create and co-create anything that you direct your power of
intention toward. Creative energy is a part of you; it originates
in the life-giving Spirit that intends you.
The Seven Faces Of Intention By Wayne Dyer
Number 2
2.The face of kindness. Any power that has, as its inherent nature,
the need to create and convert energy into physical form must also
be a kindly power. Again, I'm deducing this from the opposite. If
the all-giving power of intention had at its core the desire to be
unkind, malevolent, or hurtful, then creation itself would be
impossible. The moment unkind energy became form; the life-giving
Spirit would be destroyed. Instead, the power of intention has a
face of kindness. It is kind energy intending what it's creating to
flourish and grow, and to be happy and fulfilled.
Our existence is proof to me of the kindness of intention. Choosing
to be kind is a choice to have the power of intention active in your
life.The positive effect of kindness on the immune system and on the
increased production of serotonin in the brain has been proven in
research studies. Serotonin is a naturally occurring substance in
the body that makes us feel more comfortable, peaceful, and even
blissful. In fact, the role of most antidepressants is to stimulate
the production of serotonin chemically, helping to ease depression.
Research has shown that a simple act of kindness directed toward
another improves the functioning of the immune system and stimulates
the production of serotonin in both the recipient of the kindness
and the person extending the kindness. Even more amazing is that
persons observing the act of kindness have similar beneficial
results. Imagine this!
Kindness extended, received, or observed beneficially impacts the
physical health and feelings of everyone involved! But the face of
kindness and the face of creativity are smiling here.When you're
unkind, you're blocking the face of kindness. You're moving away
from the power of intention. No matter whether you call it God,
Spirit, Source, or intention, be aware that unkind thoughts weaken,
and kind thoughts strengthen, your connection.
Creativity and kindness are two of the seven faces of intention.
The Seven Faces Of Intention By Wayne Dyer.
Number Three - Love
3.The face of love. The third of the seven faces of intention is
the face of love. That there's a life-giving nature inherent in the
power of intention is an irrefutable conclusion. What would we name
this quality that encourages, enhances, and supports all of life, if
not love? It's the prime moving power of the Universal Spirit of
intent. As Ralph Waldo Emerson put it: "Love is our highest word
and the synonym for God."
The energy field of intention is pure love resulting in a nurturing
and totally cooperative environment. Judgment, anger, hate, fear, or
prejudice won't thrive here. So, were we able to actually see this
field, we'd see creativity and kindness in an endless field of love.
We entered the physical world of boundaries and beginnings through
the universal force field of pure love. This face of intention that
is an _expression of love wishes only for us to flourish and grow,
and become all that we're capable of becoming. When we're not in
harmony with the energy of love, we've moved away from intention and
weakened our ability to activate intention through the _expression of
love. For example, if you aren't doing what you love and loving what
you do, your power of intention is weakened. You attract into your
life more of the dissatisfaction that isn't the face of love.
Consequently, more of what you don't love will appear in your life.
Thoughts and emotions are pure energy; some higher and faster than
others. When higher energies occupy the same field as lower
energies, the lower energies convert to higher energies. A simple
example of this is a darkened room that has lower energy than a room
bathed in light. Since light moves faster than non-light, when a
candle is brought into a dark room, the darkness not only dissolves
and disappears, but it seems magically converted into light. The
same is true of love, which is a higher/faster energy than the
energy of hate.
St. Francis, in his famous prayer, beseeches God: "Where there is
hatred, let me sow love." What he is seeking is the power to
dissolve and ultimately convert hate to the energy of love. Hate
converts to love when the energy of love is in its presence. This is
true for you, too. Hate, directed toward yourself or others, can be
converted to the life-giving, love-granting life force of intention.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin put it this way: "The conclusion is
always the same: Love is the most powerful and still the most
unknown energy of the world."
The Seven Faces Of Intention By Wayne Dyer.
Number Four - Beauty
4.The face of beauty. The fourth of my seven faces of intention is
the face of beauty. What else could a creative, kind, and loving
_expression be, other than beautiful? Why would the organizing
intelligence of intention ever elect to manifest into form anything
that's repugnant to itself? Obviously, it wouldn't. So we can
conclude that the nature of intention has an eternal interaction of
love and beauty, and add the _expression of beauty to the face of a
creative, kind, loving power of intention.
John Keats, the brilliant young romantic poet, concludes his Ode on
a Grecian Urn with: "Beauty is truth, truth beauty,' that is all/Ye
know on earth, and all ye need to know." Obviously truth exists in
the creation of everything. It's true that it shows up here in form.
It's now here in a form that's an _expression of the invisible
creative power. So, I agree with Keats that we need to silently know
that truth and beauty are one and the same. Out of the truth of the
originating spirit in an _expression of the power of intention comes
truth as beauty. This knowing leads to valuable insights in relation
to exercising your individual will, imagination, and intuition.
In order to grasp the significance of beauty as one of the faces of
intention, remember this: Beautiful thoughts build a beautiful
soul. As you become receptive to seeing and feeling beauty around
you, you're becoming attuned to the creative power of intention
within everything in the natural world, including yourself. By
choosing to see beauty in everything, even a person who was born
into poverty and ignorance will be able to experience the power of
intention. Seeking beauty in the worst of circumstances with
individual intent connects one to the power of intention. It works.
It has to work. The face of beauty is always present, even where
others see non-beauty.
I was deeply honored to be on a panel with Viktor Frankl in 1978 in
Vienna, Austria. I strongly recollect that he shared with me and the
audience his assertion that it's the ability to see beauty in all of
life's circumstances that gives our lives meaning. In his book Man's
Search for Meaning, he describes a bowl of filthy water with a fish
head floating in it, given to him by his Nazi captors in a
concentration camp during WWII. He trained himself to see beauty in
this meal, rather than focus on the horror of it. He attributed his
ability to see beauty anywhere as a vital factor in surviving those
horrific camps. He reminds us that if we focus on what's ugly, we
attract more ugliness into our thoughts, and then into our emotions,
and ultimately into our lives. By choosing to hang on to one's
corner of freedom even in the worst situations, we can process our
world with the energy of appreciation and beauty, and create an
opportunity to transcend our circumstances.
I love the way Mother Teresa described this quality when she was
asked, "What do you do every day in the streets of Calcutta at your
mission?" She responded, "Every day I see Jesus Christ in all of his
distressing disguises."
The Seven Faces Of Intention By Wayne Dyer.
Face Five - Expansion
5.The face of expansion. The elemental nature of life is to increase
and seek more and more _expression. If we could sharply focus on the
faces of intention, we'd be startled. I imagine that one of the
faces we'd see is a continuously expanding _expression of the power
of intention. The nature of this creative spirit is always operating
so as to expand. Spirit is a forming power. It has the principle of
increase, meaning that life continues to expand toward more life.
Life as we know it originates from formless intention. Therefore,
one of the faces of intention looks like something that's eternally
evolving. It might look like a tiny speck in a continuous state of
duplicating itself, and then enlarging itself, and then moving
forward, all the while continuing its expansion and _expression.
This is precisely what's happening in our physical world. This fifth
face of intention takes the form of what is expressing it. It can be
no other way, for if this ever-expanding force disliked itself or
felt unconnected, it could only destroy itself. But it doesn't work
that way. The power of intention manifests as an _expression of
expanding creativity, kindness, love, and beauty. By establishing
your personal relation to this face of intention, you expand your
life through the power of intention, which was, is, and always will
be, a component of this originating intention. The power of
intention is the power to expand and increase all aspects of your
life. No exceptions! It's the nature of intention to be in a state
of increased _expression, so it's true for you, too.
The only proviso to this forward movement of intention is to
cooperate with it everywhere and allow this spirit of increase to
express itself through you and for you, and for everyone you
encounter. Then you will have no worry or anxiety. Trust the face of
expansion and do what you do because you're loving what you do and
doing what you love. Know that expansive, beneficial results are the
only possibilities.
The Seven Faces Of Intention By Wayne Dyer.
Face Six - Unlimited Abundance
6.The face of unlimited abundance. This sixth face of intention is
an _expression of something that has no boundaries, is everywhere at
once, and is endlessly abundant. It's not just huge, it never stops.
This marvelous gift of abundance is what you were created from. Thus
you too share this is the _expression of your life. You're actually
fulfilling the law of abundance. These gifts are given freely and
fully to you just as the air, the sun, the water, and the atmosphere
are provided in unlimited abundance for you.
From the time of your earliest memories, you probably were taught to
think in terms of limitations. My property starts here. Yours over
there. So we build fences to mark our boundaries. But ancient
explorers gave us an awareness of the world as potentially endless.
Even more ancient astronomers pushed back our beliefs about an
immense dome-shaped ceiling covering the earth. We've learned about
galaxies that are measured in the distance light travels in a year.
Science books that are only two years old are outdated. Athletic
records that supposedly demonstrated the limits of our physical
prowess are shattered with amazing regularity.
What all this means is that there are no limits to our potential as
people, as collective entities, and as individuals. This is largely
true because we emanate from the unlimited abundance of intention.
If the face of the power of intention is unlimited abundance, then
we can know that our potential for manifestation and attracting
anything into our lives is the same. The face of abundance has
absolutely no limits. Imagine the vastness of the resources from
which all objects are created. Then consider the one resource that
stands above all others. This would be your mind and the collective
mind of humankind. Where does your mind begin and end? What are its
boundaries? Where is it located? More important, where is it not
located? Is it born with you, or is it present before your
conception? Does it die with you? What color is it? What shape? The
answers are in the phrase unlimited abundance. You were created from
this very same unlimited abundance. The power of intention is
everywhere. It is what allows everything to manifest, to increase,
and to supply infinitely.
Know that you're connected to this life force and that you share it
with everyone and all that you perceive to be missing. Open to the
_expression of the face of unlimited abundance, and you'll be co-
creating your life, as you'd like it to be. As is so often true, the
poets can express in a few short words what seems so difficult for
us to grasp. Here is Walt Whitman speaking to us in Song of Myself.
As you read these lines, substitute the face of endless abundance
for God to gain a flavor of what the power of intention is.
I hear and behold God in every object, yet understand
God not in the least…
I see something of God each hour of the twenty-four,
And each moment then,
In the faces of men and women I see God, and
In my own face in the glass;
I find letters from God dropt in the street,
And every one is signed by God's name,
And I leave them where they are, for I know
That whereso'er I do
Others will punctually come forever and every.
You don't have to have an intellectual understanding. It's enough to
silently know and proceed to live with your awareness of this face
of endless abundance.
The Seven Faces Of Intention By Wayne Dyer.
Face Seven - Receptivity
7.The face of receptivity. This is how I imagine the seventh face,
the receptive face of intention. It's simply receptive to all. No
one and no thing is rejected by the receptive face of intention. It
welcomes everyone and every living thing, without judgment—never
granting the power of intention to some and withholding it from
others. The receptive face of intention means to me that all of
nature is waiting to be called into action. We only need to be
willing to recognize and receive. Intention can't respond to you if
you fail to recognize it. If you see chance and coincidence
governing your life and the world, then the universal mind of
intention will appear to you as nothing but an amalgamation of
forces devoid of any order or power.
Simply put. To be unreceptive is to deny yourself access to the
power of intention. In order to utilize the all-inclusive
receptivity of intention, you must produce within yourself an
intelligence equal in affinity to the universal mind itself. You
must not only become receptive to having guidance available to you
to manifest your human intentions, but you must be receptive to
giving this energy back to the world. As I've said many times in
speeches and earlier writings, your job is not to say how; it's to
say YES! Yes, I'm willing. Yes, I know that the power of intention
is universal. It's denied to no one.
The face of receptivity smiles on me, as what I need flows to me
from the Source, and the Source is receptive to my tapping in to it
to co-create books, speeches, videos, audios, and anything else that
I've been fortunate enough to have on my resume. By being receptive,
I'm in harmony with the power of intention of the universal creative
force. This works in so many different ways. You'll see the right
people magically appearing in your life; your body healing; and if
it's something that you want, you'll even discover yourself becoming
a better dancer, card player, or athlete! The field of intention
allows everything to emanate into form, and its unlimited potential
is built into all that has manifested even before its initial birth
pangs were being expressed.
03 September, 2006
Anthem for the world

Matthew Levine writes on his homepage :
" I have just released an album of 11 songs called A house Divided.The title track of the same name you might think of as a proposal for the world's first national anthem. If nations can have anthems, why can’t we grass roots world citizens? If you like it, please help me promote it. You can download Eventually, we’ll have more to choose from, but we have to start somewhere.
Feel free to email me with your suggestions, questions, comments, or favorite quote. If you join my e-mailing list, you’ll get a free song download and I can let you know when the rest are available for download on itunes, etc.
Thanks for stopping by. Have a mint on your way out. "
I listened to " Anthem for the World " today. As a multidimensional being of love and light and a citizen of the universe , I LOVE it ! See, hear , feel for yourself .